Princeton conference: ‘The Global 1860s’, 15-17 October 2015

Date: 15-17 October 2015
Venue: University of Princeton
Organisers: Professor Linda Colley and Professor Matthew Karp (Princeton)

The long 1860s witnessed an extraordinary sequence of global developments. Massive conflicts rocked the Americas, Europe, South Asia, and parts of the Caribbean and the Pacific world, while even regions relatively untouched by warfare—such as North Africa, Russia and Japan—experienced momentous political transformations. Simultaneously, the decade saw major shifts in science, communications, art, economics, and the politics of gender. This conference brings together scholars from many different areas of expertise to discuss how far there was a “global 1860s”—and what this might mean.

Download full description: ‘The Global 1860s’ conference description

Download programme: ‘The Global 1860s’ conference programme

Conference website:

See conference report: ‘The Global 1860s’ conference report